Akte Ligjore

D E C R E E ON RETURN OF LAW NO. 92/2019 “ON SOME ADDITIONS AND AMENDMENTS TO LAW NO. 9918, DATED 19.5.2008, “ON ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS IN THE REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA”, AS AMENDED ” Pursuant to Articles 85, paragraphs 1 and 93, of the Constitution, I hereby: D e...

D E C R E E ON THE RETURN OF LAW NO. 91/2019 “ON SOME AMENDMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO LAW NO. 97/2013 "ON AUDIOVISUAL MEDIA IN THE REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA", AS AMENDED" Pursuant to Article 85, paragraphs 1 and 93, of the Constitution, I hereby, D e c r e...

DECREE ON APPOINTMENT OF A MINISTER Pursuant to Articles 93 and 98, point 1 of the Constitution, on the proposal of the Prime Minister, no. 6156 prot., Dated 13.12.2019, administered at the Institution of the President of the Republic under no. 4807 prot., Dated 13.12.2019, I hereby decree: Article 1 Mr....