2 March 2020 Remarks of President Meta at the March 2nd grandiose and pan-national and manifestation held to defend the Constitution
The voice of the People is the Voice of God! The President of the red and black people kneels only in front of the red and black flag and the red and black people, in front of the people of eagles.
Let this be heard well by the local coup d’état organizers and the international mafia organizations, who seek to destroy your sovereignty and constitution!
Article 2 of the Constitution, which you voted by referendum on November 22, 1998, states: “Sovereignty in the Republic of Albania belongs only to the people.”
So I have invited you all not as Ilir Meta, but as your President, as the only legitimate democratic institution left in this state, in order to hear your voice.
Because when institutions fall, people rise and the people are not inserted into pockets like the oligarchs’ money.
We are here because Albania of today is divided into two antagonistic worlds, the world of the red and black people, and the group that represents a small, dark, selfish and traitorous world of coup organizers and oligarchs.
Who like leeches drink the blood of our people every day with the frightening PPP (Public Private Partnership) concessions.
Are we the first place in the world for anything?
Yes, we are the first country in the world for highway costs per square kilometer, we have them more expensive than the most developed countries in the world.
I, as President of the Republic, have publicly overturned these decrees which were accompanied by reasons based on the Constitution and legality, in other words, decrees on concessions, which have only one purpose: the robbery and not the development of Albania.
They now demand in the mafia and unconstitutional way the abduction of the Constitutional Court, so that their oligarchs and clans can benefit as much as possible and their constitutional crimes remain not judged and unpunished!
We are here today because none of us can stand to the side of the coup d’état.
We are here to stand in front, today, with the starting of the Red and Black Spring, I as the President of the Republic and the first soldier of the Republic and all the red and black people, against the coup!
Why did the President call the people?
Because the President exhausted all the institutional and democratic efforts to prevent the capture of the state and especially the coup d’état.
The President has called on the people because the national wealth that is being stolen every day is what God has given to all Albanians.
Because the justice system has been caught by the throat by the anti-state sect.
Because we have a justice with a script and direction that strikes the poor, the defenseless and the honest and guarantees the inviolability of the clans near the sect that has occupied the state.
Because public finances are being exhausted and debts are catastrophically increasing and you are paying them all unjustly.
Because the scandals denounced by the High State Control (KLSH) of billions of euros fall on deaf ears, both for the government, for the Assembly, but also for the sleeping justice.
Because your economy, that of the vast majority of Albanians is in the darkest days.
Because the oligarchs control the one-party parliament and commit serious constitutional crimes, like the one on dividend, I denounced yesterday.
A serious crime that has violated one of the basic principles of the Constitution, that of equality, Article 18 of the Constitution states: “Everyone in this Republic is equal before the law!”
Whereas they passed a law to favor the most unconstitutional, the most corrupt, but also in favor of the mafia, the oligarchs and their clans.
They violated Article 155 of the Constitution which states: “National and local taxes, taxes and financial obligations, the relief or exemption of certain categories of payers, and the manner in which they are collected shall be determined by law. In these cases the law cannot be given retroactive effect. ”
But they made a criminal law, an unprecedented overturning act in 30 years of the constitutional principle of equality and the rule of law. This law was made with retroactive effect, contrary to the Constitution, only for the oligarchs, who had been notified by the government years ago not to pay any tax on their profits, until this sect adopted this anti-constitutional law favored them, at the expense of all honest, law-abiding businesses and honest citizens, who are all of you.
This majority, in a mafia way, overturned overnight, in complete darkness, without the presence of the Institution of the President, without the presence of the opposition that was in Parliament that day, the President’s Decree on this anti-constitutional law.
Could this be your Parliament?
Can a foreign and domestic investor trust the rule of law and constitution in this country?
Can honest small businesses, which are being bankrupt each day survive in this way, when, by the law with retroactive effect, the oligarchs became many times stronger because they have bought the state and the government itself?
The hundreds of millions of Euros they robbed, which should have been poured into the state budget and public finances, went to the off-shore accounts abroad.
In the meantime, these huge financial pits in the state budget and public finances are being paid by you, the honest citizens of this country and the honest businesses of this country, with the irresistible taxes that are rising every day, both by the central and local government.
This is not the state of the rule of law and of the citizens, but it is an oppressive, discriminatory and humiliating instrument of some state coup organizers, of oligarchs and their clients.
This half-Parliament has become a puppet of this sect with no state, no religion, no family and no homeland.
This Assembly has 122 out of 140 MP-s, which is defined by Article 64 of the Constitution.
In February of 2019, a year ago, they provoked the opposition in order to remove it from Parliament.
They ran to replace 182 MPs and candidates for MPs, in complete contravention of the Electoral Code and the law, although the procedure for a single MP requires 30 days.
Thus, they heavily violated the Constitution, the Electoral Code and the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly, only to eliminate the opposition in Parliament.
We have ended up in a state where we only remember scientists when the earthquake strikes us.
We are a state where it is not invested neither in scientific research nor in start-ups, and we have zero investment in knowledge and progress.
Today we are a country where free speech is fought.
While the Constitution guarantees freedom of expression, they made a law against the Constitution that does not guarantee the freedom after expression, thus guaranteeing the punishment, in order to silence journalists and citizens. That is why the Council of Europe was shocked and by itself addressed the Venice Commission on this law.
The state coup in this country has advanced in parallel with the depopulation of the country.
The authors of the coup and its financiers are also the designers of Albania’s depopulation and extermination that will never happen.
400,000, mostly young Albanians, have fled the country in recent years.
If one citizen leaves Kosovo, 5 citizens leave Albania. If one Serb leaves Serbia, 8 Albanians leave Albania. If one Montenegrin leaves Montenegro, 11 Albanians leave Albania.
What is happening to us?!
The business climate in Albania is the worst in the continent. According to the World Bank’s latest “Doing Business” report, Albania dipped 19 places to the 82nd.
Because this government has killed the trust in justice and the functioning of the rule of law.
Deliberately Albania is left without a Constitutional Court, because in the head of the coup organizers, there is only one goal: to seize the state at any cost for the interests of their power and to use it only for corrupt, criminal and anti-national interests, as you see every day.
I have institutionally and repeatedly denounced their crimes but justice continues to sleep.
If justice had been acted since 110 days, when I went there in the Prosecutors Office, today it would not have been necessary for me to invite you here. There is no response, no action, no reaction, there is only silence because there is only state capture!
And when this happens to the constitutional authority of the President of the Republic and the Head of the State, you know for yourself, what can happen to the rights and freedoms of simple and defenseless citizens who cannot even speak anywhere.
How can a young person in our country believe that he or she can earn a job on the basis of his or her abilities or a right, a competition in the state administration or a trial in our law enforcement agencies, when he or she watches in the middle of the day the abduction and the stealing of the powers that the Constitution gives to the President of the Republic?!
How can they trust this system, when in a mafia and criminal way is being attempted to be stolen a member of the Constitutional Court who should be elected only by the President of the Republic under the Constitution, and no one bears responsibility and no one is punished?
How can a foreign investor trust our justice system when they see how unconstitutional laws are made, through occult and mafia practices, and when the Ministry of Justice itself with its cell is at the forefront of falsifications?
How can a citizen feel secure in his family and work when he sees how arbitrariness and violence of the state power is imposed on the law and when the state degrades into a police state?!
This sect is aiming for a real coup d’état, which is not done with tanks as in the past.
But by seizing powers, institutions, the entire justice system, and falsifying state documents and through unconstitutional laws.
This state coup started with the stealing of the 2017 elections. Files that still sleep today and are not being investigated, even though the Bundestag and even though the institutions of integrity in Europe and the world have been demanding for 3 years, the Dibër 184 file and the Shijak 339 file, which are just the tip of the iceberg in what happened all over Albania.
Because it began with the use of the State Police to manipulate elections and the public order by the Prime Minister, unprecedented in 30-years, for every police officer to remove his hat and collect votes for the Socialist Party.
The coup was deepened by the unconstitutional capture of the Prosecutor General, with 69 votes out of 84 clearly sanctioned in the Albanian Constitution, which was unanimously approved by 140 votes.
So they took over the investigation and thus so far ensured the total impunity of the thieves of votes and of criminal groups.
They thus ensured the closure of any criminal cases that falls upon them and their associates.
And so they provided the means to blackmail every critic and every political opponent.
Through the monist Parliament they adopted a resolution against the decrees of the President of the Republic for the June 30th elections.
The Renaissance organization at the Central Elections Committee went that far that didn’t implement the President’s decree, openly and flagrantly violating the Constitution.
They did not publish the Decree of the President in the Official Gazette contrary to the law, as it was denounced by the honorable lady and of integrity, the Head of the OSCE / ODIHR Mission, Ms. Glover, who told the whole world the truth of this masquerade of local elections in Albania.
They say the President issues decrees, but they are not complied. They haven’t figured it out yet! They think that their institutions are supreme!
No, the decree of the President for the annulment of June 30 was implemented by the entire Albanian people, boycotting them in the most massive way.
Not even 5% of Albanians participated, though under the pressure of the administration, tax inspectors, of everyone, even though with the corruption, like those tapings of the Tirana’s Bird, giving people money to artificially increase participation.
For 27 days with their party administration, they failed to announce the final result. They kidnapped 100% of the local government in all 61 municipalities and their monist municipal councils.
I am thankful to the Council of Europe and the Congress of Local Authorities for boycotting these elections, also withdrawing their own monitoring delegation by stating that: “We have never before monitored such elections as these with one candidate only.”
What’s more, as we have witnessed, they did not only run one-party elections, but as heads of the Municipality of Scutari and many other honored cities, they appointed the “problematic guys”. They have recently adopted the so-called “Catch what you can (KÇK)”, in order to fully annihilate what is called the new justice and put the police forces under the hoof of the government; Consequently, to give no possibilities whatsoever to the punishment of both the criminalization and corruption of this sect; To illegally intercept anyone who denounces and talks the truth about them.
They attempted to control the Constitutional Court through falsifications, fraud and violations of the Constitution and the law, thus making part of the coup d’etat all institutions invaded by the government;
The government, through the Ministry of Justice, their mono-party Assembly and also the Chair of the Justice Appointments Council.
This step, aimed and is aiming at the final annihilation of the Constitutional Court, yet also every possibility for accountability in the Republic of Albania. This act seeks to put into question the sovereignty and integrity of the country.
Lastly, in infidelity, they passed the unconstitutional law on the oath-taking of the judges appointed for the Constitutional Court.
Being voted only a few hours before the Venice Commission delegation would arrive in Tirana, whose presence was requested by them themselves, not to ask them questions, but in relativizing the criminal responsibility of the Chair of the Justice Appointments Council, right after the President files a criminal report at the Prosecutor’s office on two very serious criminal offenses.
The sole purpose of voting this law was to insert through the chimney into the Constitutional Court, the kamikazes of the Renaissance who know how take an oath at Lana and cannot and cannot take the oath at the Head of State.
They, as a mafia organization, falsified the report of the Assembly, as was proven by all the institutions, which officially denied that they had given any opinion in favor of this unconstitutional law.
In case anyone is concerned why the President of a NATO member country calls on his people asking them to return back the sovereignty, to hear their voice and to restore the constitutional and democratic order, and the system of accountability, this is my answer:
Is there any country in NATO or Europe that has been left even for a single hour, without a Constitutional Court?! Is it possible for the last Tirana-Partizani derby to be played without a referee? Could a team come into play, taking the referee along with them, while putting him their own shirt?
Is there any country in NATO or Europe that has been left even for a single day without a High Court? There are 40.000 files belonging to ordinary citizens, businesses and pensioners that need another 30 years to be reviewed.
Is there any country in NATO or Europe where unconstitutional laws are being invented every day in order to overturn the constitutional provisions for the new justice, as it happened not only with the election of the General Prosecutor with 69 votes, but at the same time as we are witnessing that they want to do also with the Constitutional Court.
They invented as sacred the Dvorani’s deadline; they did not care, both the local coup organizers and their international collaborators, for no deadline of the Constitution which was never respected for the establishment of the new institutions of justice.
Albanians are here today because they want true justice, they want justice equal for all, they want no more a scripted and directed justice.
They no longer want to live under this model of justice – a model where a new scandal covers the old one so that it remains forgotten, and with the new crime covering the old crime.
Albanians are here today because they want justice based on the Constitution, not a scripted and directed justice as this one offered by the coup organizers.
Today, ordinary citizens are brought to justice for banal crimes, but those at the top of the state, caught in flagrance of serious constitutional crimes, are unfortunately protected by this justice.
Could anyone trust this justice made of triple standards?
Democracy is not endangered when the people rise for protecting the Constitution, but when power, through unconstitutional laws, seeks to suppress people’s will, citizens’ rights, as well as their constitutional rights.
History has taught us that even Hitler, through unconstitutional laws installed his dictatorship even in a country well-known for its traditions and legal culture.
“When people fear the government, there is tyranny. When government fears the people, there is liberty.” That’s what Thomas Jefferson has taught us.
Dictatorships can change faces, they can change masks, but at their core they remain the same everywhere and at any time a enemies of freedom, enemies to democracy, enemies to human rights and freedoms!
It is my foremost and sacred duty; it is my responsibility as the Head of State and as the expression of people’s unity, which is guaranteed only through the protection of the Constitution of the Republic of Albania, to protect the Constitution, to protect the rule of law, to protect civil liberties, to guarantee the function of the secular state, where all may exercise their faith in peace with others, as in any country of western values, where the woman is equal to her husband in public and in professional life, and not to take the women in government to use them for falsifications.
It is my duty as the President of the Republic to be the first to defend the democracy of my country and of my people.
It is my duty as the Head of State to be the first in the fight against the coup d’etat!
I am happy that your voice is being heard all over Albania, wherever there are Albanians in the democratic world.
I am happy that the Constitution of the people has today in this square the people of the Constitution.
And now, before signing the Decree against the unconstitutional Law for the swearing-in at Lana of the new judges of the Constitutional Court, I request the expression of your will.
Who is in favor, please raise your hand!
Death to the coup d’etat!
Long live the Republic!
Long live the rule of law!
There is another request here, they are not happy enough, they want today the dissolvent of the coup organizers Parliament!
Freedom and Democracy! Freedom and Democracy!
Please, I have to sign this decree and I will return here again for that next decree, which you cheered more than this one.
There are many politicians in Albania whose parents favored first Yugoslavia, then the Soviet Union, then China, today they say they have America, but they want to return the country again into North Korea. All the Albanians of America with “Vatra” and all our people are following us.
They are the descendants of those who at the end of 1980-s, when the brave people of Romania executed their dictator and their leech, they were hanging the poets in Kukes because they stood for free speech!
I do not have America first, I have and will always have Albania first. But America is second to me and I am ready for the sake of what America has done for us, for the Albanians everywhere they are, to do everything for America that does not harm Albania and the Albanians.
I took this flag without a planned script, as tens and hundreds of Albanians from America have come. They have left their jobs.
I raised this flag in honor of all our great friends in America, for Congressman Engell, and for all the extraordinary friends who have helped the Albanian cause and will always be ready to defend our interests.
Now, we shall move on to the oath, and for the oath, the Albanian flag is needed, the red and the black flag.
Do we have a parliament or not?
Before taking my oath, as President of the Republic, as the Head of State, as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, I will kiss this flag!
If the coup d’état and the international mafia organization, that has been playing for years with the sovereignty of our people, do not take this Decree seriously, I give you my word, in the name of this flag, for which thousands and thousands of martyrs and heroes have been killed, that after March 15th when the electoral reform is also over, which is a condition, if they do not take it seriously, the red and black people who voted today for the death of the coup d’etat, I, Ilir Meta, pledge that I will not sign that Decree here, but I will sign it in the middle of the Assembly, there, in the middle of crime!
And I will call on all the Albanian people, me be the first and then all the people of red and black.
We are the people who suffered the most from communism.
We are the people and the place where the clergy were hanged!
We are the people who give up our lives, but not democracy!
Freedom and democracy!
Many of you may have sometimes had remarks about the tone of my voice. I know, but you have to know one thing, that me in public, for the sake of some state interests, I have not even told 10% of the crimes that have been committed against your sovereignty and against the justice reform.
Therefore I want to assure you that this Red and Black Spring will not stop, not until the full restoration of your sovereignty, of the constitutional and democratic order, and accountability in Albania.
With calmness and justice!
Now I have a prayer for you all. The whole democratic world, all partners with integrity, who have respect for our people, and no one will show respect for our people if they violate or help this sect to violate our Constitution.
This Constitution has been voted by the Albanian people, and in the last constitutional amendments it was voted with 140 votes, like no other law in the history of the Albanian Parliament.
This is the Constitution of the Albanian people, this is the Constitution made in collaboration with the Venice Commission, with America, with Europe and we will defend it even with our lives!
And the last prayer for you!
Please do not give an alibi to the coup organizers! Please do not throw any mimosas to the institutions, as mimosas are not to be thrown, they are to be given. Give them to our police officers wherever you meet them.
Remember that from today, in the only black and red institution where we are here today, begins the marching of the people of the red and black, to restore their sovereignty and to have very soon all the institutions in this boulevard and all around Albania, in black and red!
The voice of the people, the voice of God.
May God bless Albania, we are the people of eagles and eagles fly only high.
My most heartfelt thanks to our compatriots who came from America, England, France, from all over Europe and from all over the world.
Albania like all of Europe!
Freedom and democracy!
And now, head peacefully home back to your families!