2 September 2020 President Meta’s statement to the media in Vlora
QUESTION: You have invited the political parties for opinions on the date of the elections, but it is a stalemate, with the CEC that according to the new Electoral Code has already closed its mission. Do you think it will create a problem?
PRESIDENT META: I want to express my pleasure to be here in Vlora on this very important day, to honor the National War of Vlora of 1920.
I thank all the engaged historians and all central and local institutions for the organization of this Scientific Conference, which sheds light on many events and truths that make even greater the victorious epic of the Vlora War, for all the extraordinary importance that ka patur.
The Vlora war is the most important message for everyone that through unification around the common national interest, a power can be created which brings not only successes and achievements for the nation, but also for the state.
Going from the Vlora War to the CEC, things seem much smaller to me.
If there is a will all issues are resolved and solvable very simply.
If there is a will for free elections and democratic elections, I see no reason why they should not be elected.
If there is a will to honor the June 5 Agreement, I see no problem.
But if there is no will for this issue, we talk another day and not today, because today is the day of Vlora.
QUESTION: Do you have an option for the election date?
PRESIDENT META: I can not say anything because I will have to listen to the representatives of the main political forces and then we will speak for sure.
QUESTION: Did you get an answer on the meeting you wanted to have with the leaders of the two major parties?
PRESIDENT META: I have requested meetings with representatives of all parliamentary forces, including the Chairwoman of the European Integration Commission.
Everyone is welcome, then we will have a final evaluation.
QUESTION: How does the President of the Republic read the message of the American Ambassador Yuri Kim for the parties for clean figures?
PRESIDENT META: The time has come for everything to be cleansed in our country through free and fair elections and to have fully democratic and legitimate institutions.
Only free and fair elections cleanse politics of criminal or corrupt elements, or those who, in the interests of various groups, seek to hold hostage the full and European functioning of the rule of law.
QUESTION: At a time when today we are discussing the Vlora War, patriotic, historical issues like this and in parallel discussing the issue of the sea. In fact, these Scientific Conferences that seem to add to that sense of patriotism, to whom would you suggest to see them?
PRESIDENT META: My behavior has been and will always be only of statesmanship, only Constitutional and fully responsible. I call on everyone to be careful in their behavior, especially in public, so that even if unintentionally they do make statements that can be used tomorrow to the detriment of Albania by anyone.