18 April 2019 Reaction of the President of the Republic, H. E. Ilir Meta
I learned about and followed today with a deep concern the conclusions of the world journalists’ organization “Reporters Without Borders’’ on the regression marked by Albania in relation to freedom of the media.
The 7 places drop in the World Freedom Freedom’s Index and the serious warning of this report that: “Albania’s journey and path to the European Union is a long one” serves as a powerful alarm bell that should wake us all up.
The commitment of the institutions and society in support of freedom of expression is an indicator of democracy, good governance and of the political accountability in the country.
We should not forget that freedom of expression is a fundamental human right and an irreplaceable and vital pillar for a modern democratic society.
Article 49 of the Treaty of Lisbon clearly defines and points out the importance of guaranteeing the freedom of expression and a country which aims to join the European Union must respect and uphold its guarantee.
Media freedom is vital to ensuring accountability from all public institutions.
I have repeatedly and harshly condemned all the attacks and any acts of violence taking place against journalists, which unfortunately, recently have become quite frequent.
Again, I strongly appeal and urge that the perpetrators of crimes against media representatives should be immediately brought to justice and all blackmail, intimidations or any other kind of pressure exercised against journalists should come to an end.
I also express my full solidarity with journalists who are affected and harmed during the course of their mission to serve freedom of the citizens and in the interest of consolidating our entire democratic system.